Drummers vs. Bassplayers … an incredible excitin…

Drummers vs. Bassplayers … an incredible exciting game of Tischfußball between rhythm-sections of Samavayo and Mother Engine.
Let’s be honest and without any spoilers we can say: the drum section got totaly ripped off by the bass players, but anyway the drummers are the better partymakers after they shot their one and only goal 🙂

Bass player and member of the winner-team Christian Dressel admitted later in a private chat: “that game was kind of a “Trauerspiel”. totaly dude.. so true…!

This game took place after our show in Den Haag.
filmed by professional film maker and art director Dominik Giese (also known as Mr. Merch) and commented by Chris Trautenbach (also known as guitar player of Mother Engine)

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