Setlist 03.07.2003 – Berlin @ Cafe Zapata
This is one of the first Samavayo setlists that we found in our band archives and we were not even generally agreed if we should post it or not. Why? Because this are super old songs. Don’t get us wrong, we are standing behind who we are and where we came from, but soundwise and also from the technical skills this are our almost first steps… so have mercy 🙂
Listen to the setlist here:
Every Song tells a story
We played this songs at a concert in the very hot summer of 2003 in Berlin at Cafe Zapata. The self-organized artist-bar opened up in 1990 after the Berlin wall fall down and had to close in 2011 due to problems with owner of the building: space for new flats, clean up the area, more cash, well you know the story of gentrification that affected so many clubs in Berlin in the last 20 years. We played some songs from our freshly released first vinyl 10inch EP called “131”. But we also played some new shit, that we released a year later on the second EP “Songs From The Drop-Outs” or even later on the first album “Death.March.Melodies!”.
EP “Songs From The Drop-Outs” (Setalight Records, 2004)
Wow…yeah…this song is cool. I love it. Definitely Turbonegro inspired. We played this song for a long time as the final song in the set. It just gives you some good vibes in the end.
“Soul Out Of Control”:
That’s a wall of sound. Man, I loved playing this song. Massive. We recorded this song first time with Milan from Rotor at SAE Studio during the night with some shitty equipment. But we didn’t care at all, it was so cool doing that stuff. Magic! Unfortunately this song never made it on an album, It was simply too long, but it had a manifested place for quiet a long time in our set. Finally we re-recorded that monster almost 13 years later as a trio and released it on a 10 inch split vinyl with The Grand Astoria in 2015.
EP “Songs From The Drop-Outs” (Setalight Records, 2004 recorded with Ronald Karek at ORWO Haus)
Andreas: This Song is an epic one. I cannot remember what kind of or if we took drugs at that time but it definitely had some effects to our music at some points, don’t you think so…?
Stephan : In general this is the only Samavayo release that is a total pain in my neck. To hear what I am playing annoys me, because at that time I obviously tried to play things I actually technically couldn’t play. The 131 was even better, because I was more into the flow.
Andreas: I agree with you partially, but come on brother…Don’t be so hard on yourself 🙂 I mean look at the circumstances. We recorded first time in a real studio, with headphones and everything was totally different from how we recorded the first EP 131.
EP “131” (Setalight Records, 2003, recorded with Basti at our rehearsal room at ORWO Haus)
One of our oldest songs and we still play that fast bastard from time to time nowadays. This stoner-punk song was kind of inspired by bands like Zeke or Drive By Shooting. Timo, the bass player of Drive by Shooting was also supporting us a lot. He labeled our music as “sober stoner” at his plattform “Between Evil And Peace”, where you could have find bands like Rotor, DxBxS, Coogans Bluff or Mandala. It was a huge thing for us to be part of that first Berlin Stoner Circle.